Karina Polesel's profile

The inversion of cruelty

The inversion of cruelty  
La inversión de la crueldad
L'inversion de la cruauté
There is an open and wild cry in the inversion of cruelty, and critique of animal abuse and a contribution to the abolition of this outrageous, indigestible and abominable cultural practice. It’s there were there is also a chaotic, bloody and violent reading. I worked in exaggeratedly large formats to symbolize this theme using oil painting on canvas.
EN LA ARENA - 166.5x94.5 cm 
 Oil painting
CORAZON DE PICAS - 154x124 cm 
 Oil painting
DESGARRE - 150x135 cm 
 Oil painting
CAPOTE - 150x130 cm  
 oil painting
CORNADA FATAL - 163x124 cm 
Oil painting 
GRADAS - 175x123.5 cm 
 Oil painting 
A TOMAR POR CULO - 122x146.5 cm 
 Oil painting 
LA MANCHA - 123x145.5 cm 
 Oil painting 
 Oil painting and ink 
SIN POSTERIDAD - 122x147 cm  
Oil painting 
LIBERTAD I - 160x115.5 cm 
 Oil painting 
LIBERTAD II - 118.5x83 cm 
 Oil painting 
ABLACION -  21x15 cm  
 Oil painting and ink
The inversion of cruelty

The inversion of cruelty


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